
Julienne is just a fancy way of describing thin slices of vegetation. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this. I’m gonna show you what has worked best for me over the years, and remember – speed will come with practice. You won’t just pick up a board and knife and have blazing fast speed. It takes time and practice.

To get started, find a knife that fits your hand and has a weight you are comfortable with. Most stores that sell higher end knives will allow you to touch and feel before you buy. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this.  If you pick up a knife in the store and it feels awkward in your hand, it’s gonna be the same at home.

While most higher end knives are heavier, that’s not always the case. I own some great boning knives that weigh almost nothing. It took me a bit to get used them, but they are some of the finest cutlery I own. If you are making the investment in better knives (or even just one knife) please, please, please take care of them. Never slam them around in a drawer with out a sheath and for goodness sake, never put them in the dishwasher.

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